Foyble is a website dedicated to sharing your good deeds and act of kindness stories. is a free online tool with the single goal of encouraging people to perform acts of goodwill. Once the goal is accomplished, foyble shows you what effect your act has on the world. Have you ever helped out a complete stranger and wondered what impact, if any, you had on that person, or on society? Are you intrigued by the concept of "pay it forward?" Many want to give back but, in these tough economic times, find themselves short on cash and can only give their time or talents. We want to promote that - giving of any kind and any way. It all counts, it all helps. Let's change the world together one foyble at a time!
Keywords: foyble, foybles, start the give, charity networking, social networking, good deeds, acts of kindness, social networking for charity, inspire someone, giving, give, corporate giving, act of goodwill, act of good deeds, good deed, inspirational stories